Netflix - Add a Feature
Netflix - Add a Feature
Netflix - Add a Feature
A more reliable way to find shows you'll like
A more reliable way to find shows you'll like
A more reliable way to find shows you'll like
Netflix but enhanced for an improved socially interactive experience, where you can find shows on Netflix more suited to your taste based on other viewers just like you.
Netflix but enhanced for an improved socially interactive experience, where you can find shows on Netflix more suited to your taste based on other viewers just like you.
Netflix but enhanced for an improved socially interactive experience, where you can find shows on Netflix more suited to your taste based on other viewers just like you.
Netflix over the years has become one of the top streaming services dominating and providing entertainment for it's viewers on an international scale. With it's scaling audience, followed more content varying from different regions, genres, and cultures. This meant more shows and movies for it's viewers to sort from, as well as the ability to connect people all around the world.
Netflix over the years has become one of the top streaming services dominating and providing entertainment for it's viewers on an international scale. With it's scaling audience, followed more content varying from different regions, genres, and cultures. This meant more shows and movies for it's viewers to sort from, as well as the ability to connect people all around the world.
Netflix over the years has become one of the top streaming services dominating and providing entertainment for it's viewers on an international scale. With it's scaling audience, followed more content varying from different regions, genres, and cultures. This meant more shows and movies for it's viewers to sort from, as well as the ability to connect people all around the world.
Researcher, Product Designer
Researcher, Product Designer
Researcher, Product Designer
User Research, Wireframing, Branding, Prototyping, User Testing
User Research, Wireframing, Branding, Prototyping, User Testing
User Research, Wireframing, Branding, Prototyping, User Testing
User Research, Wireframing, Branding, Prototyping, User Testing
Figma, G-Suite, Optimal Workshop,
Figma, G-Suite, Optimal Workshop,
Figma, G-Suite, Optimal Workshop,
4 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
The Problem
The Problem
The Problem
Despite being one of the top streaming platforms globally, Netflix still has yet to improve its' platforms social experience. Often enough viewers of Netflix are streaming with their friends or family, and then in many instances viewers are watching by themselves. Potentially increasing the ways viewer's are able to interact on the platform can assist with establishing a sense of community and shared experience.
Our objective is to learn how Netflix viewers would prefer to be able to interact with each other, whether there were pain points regarding this, or the platform in general, and implement changes to the service based on our findings.
Despite being one of the top streaming platforms globally, Netflix still has yet to improve its' platforms social experience. Often enough viewers of Netflix are streaming with their friends or family, and then in many instances viewers are watching by themselves. Potentially increasing the ways viewer's are able to interact on the platform can assist with establishing a sense of community and shared experience.
Our objective is to learn how Netflix viewers would prefer to be able to interact with each other, whether there were pain points regarding this, or the platform in general, and implement changes to the service based on our findings.
Despite being one of the top streaming platforms globally, Netflix still has yet to improve its' platforms social experience. Often enough viewers of Netflix are streaming with their friends or family, and then in many instances viewers are watching by themselves. Potentially increasing the ways viewer's are able to interact on the platform can assist with establishing a sense of community and shared experience.
Our objective is to learn how Netflix viewers would prefer to be able to interact with each other, whether there were pain points regarding this, or the platform in general, and implement changes to the service based on our findings.
Step 1: Research:
Step 1: Research:
Step 1: Research:
To objectively decide how I could make the platform more interactive in a way that actual Netflix users wanted, I first had to conduct research to get a better understanding of how viewers were already using the platform, and what they would prefer to see implemented in the future.
To objectively decide how I could make the platform more interactive in a way that actual Netflix users wanted, I first had to conduct research to get a better understanding of how viewers were already using the platform, and what they would prefer to see implemented in the future.
To objectively decide how I could make the platform more interactive in a way that actual Netflix users wanted, I first had to conduct research to get a better understanding of how viewers were already using the platform, and what they would prefer to see implemented in the future.
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
User Interviews
User Interviews
User Interviews
User Interviews
The objectives we kept in mind as we conducted our research:
Learn Netflix viewers watching habits when streaming alone or with others.
Decipher if user's would even be interested in interacting with others on the platform. If so, how would they visualize this experience?
Learn the user's past experiences streaming with Netflix, and identify if they had a need/want for any other additional features.
The objectives we kept in mind as we conducted our research:
Learn Netflix viewers watching habits when streaming alone or with others.
Decipher if user's would even be interested in interacting with others on the platform. If so, how would they visualize this experience?
Learn the user's past experiences streaming with Netflix, and identify if they had a need/want for any other additional features.
The objectives we kept in mind as we conducted our research:
Understand why user's feel motivated to learn a new game.
Understand the steps commonly taken by users when learning a new game.
Learn if there are pain points in the process that users might find demotivating so that we can reduce this tension.
Learn what type of content/support user's find most helpful in the process of learning a new game
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
First it was important to identify some of Netflix's competitors in terms of content and global reach. From these competitors I conducted a feature analysis to discern the methods that they were using to improve social interaction and community engagement within their platforms.
First it was important to identify some of Netflix's competitors in terms of content and global reach. From these competitors I conducted a feature analysis to discern the methods that they were using to improve social interaction and community engagement within their platforms.
First it was important to identify some of Netflix's competitors in terms of content and global reach. From these competitors I conducted a feature analysis to discern the methods that they were using to improve social interaction and community engagement within their platforms.
Site's Examined:
Site's Examined:
Site's Examined:
Site's Examined:
Both of these competitors similar to Netflix were American streaming services which showcased content ranging from movies, tv shows, reality TV, and more, while reaching audiences that were geographically diverse.
Both of these competitors similar to Netflix were American streaming services which showcased content ranging from movies, tv shows, reality TV, and more, while reaching audiences that were geographically diverse.
Both of these competitors similar to Netflix were American streaming services which showcased content ranging from movies, tv shows, reality TV, and more, while reaching audiences that were geographically diverse.
Key Findings:
Key Findings:
Key Findings:
Both Competitors feature some way user's can react to content and also explore other people's reactions to content.
Both sites use some form of live commenting which is time stamped when the content is re-accessed after the live broadcasting or initial release.
This allows users to engage with other viewers and see how others reacted similarly or differently to themselves as they were watching specific instances of content.
Both sites also display a comment/review feature where user's can access other viewers broader opinion on certain shows, series, or videos.
Feature can potentially be helpful in sorting content.
After discovering these key interactive features on competitor websites - I hypothesized that Netflix consumers would also be interested in having some form of similar interaction feature on the platform. Especially the live reaction/commenting as Netlix despite being watched globally is a platform often enough used solo.
Both Competitors feature some way user's can react to content and also explore other people's reactions to content.
Both sites use some form of live commenting which is time stamped when the content is re-accessed after the live broadcasting or initial release.
This allows users to engage with other viewers and see how others reacted similarly or differently to themselves as they were watching specific instances of content.
Both sites also display a comment/review feature where user's can access other viewers broader opinion on certain shows, series, or videos.
Feature can potentially be helpful in sorting content.
After discovering these key interactive features on competitor websites - I hypothesized that Netflix consumers would also be interested in having some form of similar interaction feature on the platform. Especially the live reaction/commenting as Netlix despite being watched globally is a platform often enough used solo.
Both Competitors feature some way user's can react to content and also explore other people's reactions to content.
Both sites use some form of live commenting which is time stamped when the content is re-accessed after the live broadcasting or initial release.
This allows users to engage with other viewers and see how others reacted similarly or differently to themselves as they were watching specific instances of content.
Both sites also display a comment/review feature where user's can access other viewers broader opinion on certain shows, series, or videos.
Feature can potentially be helpful in sorting content.
After discovering these key interactive features on competitor websites - I hypothesized that Netflix consumers would also be interested in having some form of similar interaction feature on the platform. Especially the live reaction/commenting as Netlix despite being watched globally is a platform often enough used solo.
User Interviews
User Interviews
User Interviews
To deduce whether our hypothesis was correct or incorrect, as well as to learn more about they ways Netflix user's would actually like to engage with other viewers, the content, and the platform overall, 5 user interviews were conducted to gather more qualitative data that gave us direct insight into the minds of avid Netflix users.
To deduce whether our hypothesis was correct or incorrect, as well as to learn more about they ways Netflix user's would actually like to engage with other viewers, the content, and the platform overall, 5 user interviews were conducted to gather more qualitative data that gave us direct insight into the minds of avid Netflix users.
To deduce whether our hypothesis was correct or incorrect, as well as to learn more about they ways Netflix user's would actually like to engage with other viewers, the content, and the platform overall, 5 user interviews were conducted to gather more qualitative data that gave us direct insight into the minds of avid Netflix users.
I focused my questions on analyzing their habits as they used Netflix, their opinions on a live chat/reaction feature, and whether they had other preferred ways of connecting with other viewers.
I focused my questions on analyzing their habits as they used Netflix, their opinions on a live chat/reaction feature, and whether they had other preferred ways of connecting with other viewers.
I focused my questions on analyzing their habits as they used Netflix, their opinions on a live chat/reaction feature, and whether they had other preferred ways of connecting with other viewers.
Affinity Mapping
Affinity Mapping
Affinity Mapping
With our raw user interview data - we sorted the interview results into an affinity map to organize the data
With our raw user interview data - we sorted the interview results into an affinity map to organize the data
With our raw user interview data - we sorted the interview results into an affinity map to organize the data
There were several reoccurring patterns amongst the user's experiences.
Many user's shared a similar opinions on interacting with other user's and were very specific about what type of changes they would want to see in regards to this aspect on the platform.
There were several reoccurring patterns amongst the user's experiences.
Many user's shared a similar opinions on interacting with other user's and were very specific about what type of changes they would want to see in regards to this aspect on the platform.
There were several reoccurring patterns amongst the user's experiences.
Many user's shared a similar opinions on interacting with other user's and were very specific about what type of changes they would want to see in regards to this aspect on the platform.
Netflix User's Streaming Habits
Netflix User's Streaming Habits
Netflix User's Streaming Habits
4/5 users said that when watching Netflix they stick with the same genre or show type
3/5 said the only explore other genres when watching with someone else.
1/5 said they watch a variety of genres a long as it's interesting because the same genre gets repetitive.
Show Discovery:
3/5 users said they use Netflix's top 10 feature to find new shows
5/5 said that they just browse Netflix's inventory to see what shows might interest them
4/5 said that they discover shows through ads on Tik-tok, Instagram, or word of mouth friends or family
Location while streaming:
5/5 users said they mainly watch Netflix at home or at a friend/partners house
5/5 said that they streamed Netflix through their TV
3/4 said they streamed Netflix on desktop or mobile
Company preference while streaming:
4/5 said their preference between watching alone or with others really depended on the show or genre they were watching - and if that person also liked that show.
Watching alone allows them to watch their content of choice freely (If they didn't share the same like for the show - one would end up giving in to the other or filtering themselves on what they want to watch
When a consensus was met and both partied were interested in the genre then watching together was more enjoyable than watching alone.
Show Discussion:
5/5 users said that they have discussed a show they've previously watched with others
5/5 users said that when they were doing this - it was to share their opinion or thoughts on the show's plot, gossip, and recommendations
5/5 users said they enjoy discussing the shows with others
1/5 users said they only share their thoughts when they feel that others relate to them.
4/5 users said that when watching Netflix they stick with the same genre or show type
3/5 said the only explore other genres when watching with someone else.
1/5 said they watch a variety of genres a long as it's interesting because the same genre gets repetitive.
Show Discovery:
3/5 users said they use Netflix's top 10 feature to find new shows
5/5 said that they just browse Netflix's inventory to see what shows might interest them
4/5 said that they discover shows through ads on Tik-tok, Instagram, or word of mouth friends or family
Location while streaming:
5/5 users said they mainly watch Netflix at home or at a friend/partners house
5/5 said that they streamed Netflix through their TV
3/4 said they streamed Netflix on desktop or mobile
Company preference while streaming:
4/5 said their preference between watching alone or with others really depended on the show or genre they were watching - and if that person also liked that show.
Watching alone allows them to watch their content of choice freely (If they didn't share the same like for the show - one would end up giving in to the other or filtering themselves on what they want to watch
When a consensus was met and both partied were interested in the genre then watching together was more enjoyable than watching alone.
Show Discussion:
5/5 users said that they have discussed a show they've previously watched with others
5/5 users said that when they were doing this - it was to share their opinion or thoughts on the show's plot, gossip, and recommendations
5/5 users said they enjoy discussing the shows with others
1/5 users said they only share their thoughts when they feel that others relate to them.
4/5 users said that when watching Netflix they stick with the same genre or show type
3/5 said the only explore other genres when watching with someone else.
1/5 said they watch a variety of genres a long as it's interesting because the same genre gets repetitive.
Show Discovery:
3/5 users said they use Netflix's top 10 feature to find new shows
5/5 said that they just browse Netflix's inventory to see what shows might interest them
4/5 said that they discover shows through ads on Tik-tok, Instagram, or word of mouth friends or family
Location while streaming:
5/5 users said they mainly watch Netflix at home or at a friend/partners house
5/5 said that they streamed Netflix through their TV
3/4 said they streamed Netflix on desktop or mobile
Company preference while streaming:
4/5 said their preference between watching alone or with others really depended on the show or genre they were watching - and if that person also liked that show.
Watching alone allows them to watch their content of choice freely (If they didn't share the same like for the show - one would end up giving in to the other or filtering themselves on what they want to watch
When a consensus was met and both partied were interested in the genre then watching together was more enjoyable than watching alone.
Show Discussion:
5/5 users said that they have discussed a show they've previously watched with others
5/5 users said that when they were doing this - it was to share their opinion or thoughts on the show's plot, gossip, and recommendations
5/5 users said they enjoy discussing the shows with others
1/5 users said they only share their thoughts when they feel that others relate to them.
Thoughts on live/time stamped chat/react feature:
Thoughts on live/time stamped chat/react feature:
Thoughts on live/time stamped chat/react feature:
Relevancy to their streaming experience:
Relevancy to their streaming experience:
Relevancy to their streaming experience:
4/5 haven't ever thought about interacting with others while watching Netflix
1/5 said that they have wished for more ways to interact with others on Netflix, but not through a live chat/reaction feature.
1/5 said that if they really wanted to interact - they would prefer comment's reviews or ratings.
Negative thoughts on the feature:
3/5 users said that this feature would be distracting or overwhelming for them as they are trying to watch content - especially if there were subtitles needed or other things that made digesting the show more work.
4/5 users said that this feature would be interesting but it's probably not a need or something they would use often. Probably just once in awhile.
Positive thoughts on the feature:
4/5 people said that it would be cool to see what other people's opinions were or what they felt as they watched.
3/5 said hearing what others had to say would hep them access a sense of community.
4/5 said they like to think that they share the same emotions/reactions with others as it's a good feeling.
Interface/design preferences in relation to the feature:
4/5said they wouldn't mind this feature if there was a way to turn it on and off.
4.5 said that they would like it to be something similar to a collapsible text chat
3/5 users said that they were worried of there being spoilers if this feature were actualized
2/5 users said they had concerns about how to filter the comments
Safety concerns/solutions:
5/5 said they highly believe that running into inappropriate behavior/trolls is very likely not just within Netflix but everywhere.
5/5 said that comments should be moderated, banned, or filtered in some type of way using restrictions.
5/5 showed concerns for spam, spoilers, etc.
Scope of social reach:
2/5 said that they would only use this feature with their friends
3/5 said they would prefer to use it with the general audience but have the ability to switch back and forth. (options)
1/5 said they wouldn't actively comment but instead be an active reader - would prefer this feature to accessible to the general public for a more diverse set of perspectives and comments on content.
Feature use:
5/5 said they wouldn’t use a text and chat reaction with every genre. It would be preferred on other genres and not at all on others but this is different for everyone (not everyone has the same viewing habits)
1/5 said they would feel more enticed to use this feature if they knew others were too
4/5 said they wouldn't actively use this feature - only under certain conditions (watching alone, watching content which is better with narration and debate)
Incentives/motivators to use the feature:
2/5 said that the main incentive would just be the sense of feeling apart of a community
1/5 said that it could serve as a means for bonding between friends if used in that way.
4/5 haven't ever thought about interacting with others while watching Netflix
1/5 said that they have wished for more ways to interact with others on Netflix, but not through a live chat/reaction feature.
1/5 said that if they really wanted to interact - they would prefer comment's reviews or ratings.
Negative thoughts on the feature:
3/5 users said that this feature would be distracting or overwhelming for them as they are trying to watch content - especially if there were subtitles needed or other things that made digesting the show more work.
4/5 users said that this feature would be interesting but it's probably not a need or something they would use often. Probably just once in awhile.
Positive thoughts on the feature:
4/5 people said that it would be cool to see what other people's opinions were or what they felt as they watched.
3/5 said hearing what others had to say would hep them access a sense of community.
4/5 said they like to think that they share the same emotions/reactions with others as it's a good feeling.
Interface/design preferences in relation to the feature:
4/5said they wouldn't mind this feature if there was a way to turn it on and off.
4.5 said that they would like it to be something similar to a collapsible text chat
3/5 users said that they were worried of there being spoilers if this feature were actualized
2/5 users said they had concerns about how to filter the comments
Safety concerns/solutions:
5/5 said they highly believe that running into inappropriate behavior/trolls is very likely not just within Netflix but everywhere.
5/5 said that comments should be moderated, banned, or filtered in some type of way using restrictions.
5/5 showed concerns for spam, spoilers, etc.
Scope of social reach:
2/5 said that they would only use this feature with their friends
3/5 said they would prefer to use it with the general audience but have the ability to switch back and forth. (options)
1/5 said they wouldn't actively comment but instead be an active reader - would prefer this feature to accessible to the general public for a more diverse set of perspectives and comments on content.
Feature use:
5/5 said they wouldn’t use a text and chat reaction with every genre. It would be preferred on other genres and not at all on others but this is different for everyone (not everyone has the same viewing habits)
1/5 said they would feel more enticed to use this feature if they knew others were too
4/5 said they wouldn't actively use this feature - only under certain conditions (watching alone, watching content which is better with narration and debate)
Incentives/motivators to use the feature:
2/5 said that the main incentive would just be the sense of feeling apart of a community
1/5 said that it could serve as a means for bonding between friends if used in that way.
4/5 haven't ever thought about interacting with others while watching Netflix
1/5 said that they have wished for more ways to interact with others on Netflix, but not through a live chat/reaction feature.
1/5 said that if they really wanted to interact - they would prefer comment's reviews or ratings.
Negative thoughts on the feature:
3/5 users said that this feature would be distracting or overwhelming for them as they are trying to watch content - especially if there were subtitles needed or other things that made digesting the show more work.
4/5 users said that this feature would be interesting but it's probably not a need or something they would use often. Probably just once in awhile.
Positive thoughts on the feature:
4/5 people said that it would be cool to see what other people's opinions were or what they felt as they watched.
3/5 said hearing what others had to say would hep them access a sense of community.
4/5 said they like to think that they share the same emotions/reactions with others as it's a good feeling.
Interface/design preferences in relation to the feature:
4/5said they wouldn't mind this feature if there was a way to turn it on and off.
4.5 said that they would like it to be something similar to a collapsible text chat
3/5 users said that they were worried of there being spoilers if this feature were actualized
2/5 users said they had concerns about how to filter the comments
Safety concerns/solutions:
5/5 said they highly believe that running into inappropriate behavior/trolls is very likely not just within Netflix but everywhere.
5/5 said that comments should be moderated, banned, or filtered in some type of way using restrictions.
5/5 showed concerns for spam, spoilers, etc.
Scope of social reach:
2/5 said that they would only use this feature with their friends
3/5 said they would prefer to use it with the general audience but have the ability to switch back and forth. (options)
1/5 said they wouldn't actively comment but instead be an active reader - would prefer this feature to accessible to the general public for a more diverse set of perspectives and comments on content.
Feature use:
5/5 said they wouldn’t use a text and chat reaction with every genre. It would be preferred on other genres and not at all on others but this is different for everyone (not everyone has the same viewing habits)
1/5 said they would feel more enticed to use this feature if they knew others were too
4/5 said they wouldn't actively use this feature - only under certain conditions (watching alone, watching content which is better with narration and debate)
Incentives/motivators to use the feature:
2/5 said that the main incentive would just be the sense of feeling apart of a community
1/5 said that it could serve as a means for bonding between friends if used in that way.
Preferred interactive feature other than chat/react:
Preferred interactive feature other than chat/react:
Preferred interactive feature other than chat/react:
Review/Comment feature:
Review/Comment feature:
Review/Comment feature:
4/5 users said instead of a chat/reaction feature they’re more interested in reading comments after a episode or show in a review log format to learn about what people thought
3/5 said that it’s frustrating as Netflix doesn’t really have a review section for their shows
They’d rather watch shows on platforms that offer this
Don’t always find Netflix recommendations useful (top 10, based on what you watched) as some are inaccurate and some don’t show trailers. Feels like they’re going in blindsided
5/5 user’s said that they would enjoy reading about people’s thoughts about the shows
Learn how they reacted, what their overall experience was with that episode or it’s scenes and if they related to them
Watchlists/socially personalized recommendations:
3/5 said that they struggle to find things to watch on Netflix
Even with top 10 - Just broad recommendations and not specific to shows you like.
1/5 think that finding recommendations based on what other people are reacting to has potential but is a bit ambitious
1/5 said they wouldn’t like to watch shows based of other people’s enjoyment, since it wouldn’t be relevant to them
4/5 said they would appreciate being able to see what is on other people’s watch list to learn what they’re tuning into and why
4/5 said that they wanted these watchlist to provide reviews and incorporate genres for easier sorting
Influencers who review specific genres or shows
What friends and family are watching
Recommendations based on dedicated watch lists.
3/5 find Netflix's recommendation system not spot on
1/5 said it would be nice to use comments and reviews for Netflix on the backend to sort content
Most commented on
Most positive reactions
4/5 users said instead of a chat/reaction feature they’re more interested in reading comments after a episode or show in a review log format to learn about what people thought
3/5 said that it’s frustrating as Netflix doesn’t really have a review section for their shows
They’d rather watch shows on platforms that offer this
Don’t always find Netflix recommendations useful (top 10, based on what you watched) as some are inaccurate and some don’t show trailers. Feels like they’re going in blindsided
5/5 user’s said that they would enjoy reading about people’s thoughts about the shows
Learn how they reacted, what their overall experience was with that episode or it’s scenes and if they related to them
Watchlists/socially personalized recommendations:
3/5 said that they struggle to find things to watch on Netflix
Even with top 10 - Just broad recommendations and not specific to shows you like.
1/5 think that finding recommendations based on what other people are reacting to has potential but is a bit ambitious
1/5 said they wouldn’t like to watch shows based of other people’s enjoyment, since it wouldn’t be relevant to them
4/5 said they would appreciate being able to see what is on other people’s watch list to learn what they’re tuning into and why
4/5 said that they wanted these watchlist to provide reviews and incorporate genres for easier sorting
Influencers who review specific genres or shows
What friends and family are watching
Recommendations based on dedicated watch lists.
3/5 find Netflix's recommendation system not spot on
1/5 said it would be nice to use comments and reviews for Netflix on the backend to sort content
Most commented on
Most positive reactions
4/5 users said instead of a chat/reaction feature they’re more interested in reading comments after a episode or show in a review log format to learn about what people thought
3/5 said that it’s frustrating as Netflix doesn’t really have a review section for their shows
They’d rather watch shows on platforms that offer this
Don’t always find Netflix recommendations useful (top 10, based on what you watched) as some are inaccurate and some don’t show trailers. Feels like they’re going in blindsided
5/5 user’s said that they would enjoy reading about people’s thoughts about the shows
Learn how they reacted, what their overall experience was with that episode or it’s scenes and if they related to them
Watchlists/socially personalized recommendations:
3/5 said that they struggle to find things to watch on Netflix
Even with top 10 - Just broad recommendations and not specific to shows you like.
1/5 think that finding recommendations based on what other people are reacting to has potential but is a bit ambitious
1/5 said they wouldn’t like to watch shows based of other people’s enjoyment, since it wouldn’t be relevant to them
4/5 said they would appreciate being able to see what is on other people’s watch list to learn what they’re tuning into and why
4/5 said that they wanted these watchlist to provide reviews and incorporate genres for easier sorting
Influencers who review specific genres or shows
What friends and family are watching
Recommendations based on dedicated watch lists.
3/5 find Netflix's recommendation system not spot on
1/5 said it would be nice to use comments and reviews for Netflix on the backend to sort content
Most commented on
Most positive reactions
Summarized Key Findings:
From these findings we were able to identify that our hypothesis was partially correct. It turned out to be true that Netflix user's desired some form of interaction feature on the Platform, but this feature was not unanimously agreed to be a live chat/reaction feature but instead something more like reviews and personalized watchlists.
Based on user streaming habits, users said that finding shows on Netflix was often done outside of the platform through ads, external reviews, etc. Therefore they wished that the interaction feature would allow users more credibility in finding new shows or discovering new genres directly on the platform with the help of other viewers . As the platform lacks this type of ability, many user's unless watching with others struggle to find new content to watch,
Summarized Key Findings:
From these findings we were able to identify that our hypothesis was partially correct. It turned out to be true that Netflix user's desired some form of interaction feature on the Platform, but this feature was not unanimously agreed to be a live chat/reaction feature but instead something more like reviews and personalized watchlists.
Based on user streaming habits, users said that finding shows on Netflix was often done outside of the platform through ads, external reviews, etc. Therefore they wished that the interaction feature would allow users more credibility in finding new shows or discovering new genres directly on the platform with the help of other viewers . As the platform lacks this type of ability, many user's unless watching with others struggle to find new content to watch,
Summarized Key Findings:
From these findings we were able to identify that our hypothesis was partially correct. It turned out to be true that Netflix user's desired some form of interaction feature on the Platform, but this feature was not unanimously agreed to be a live chat/reaction feature but instead something more like reviews and personalized watchlists.
Based on user streaming habits, users said that finding shows on Netflix was often done outside of the platform through ads, external reviews, etc. Therefore they wished that the interaction feature would allow users more credibility in finding new shows or discovering new genres directly on the platform with the help of other viewers . As the platform lacks this type of ability, many user's unless watching with others struggle to find new content to watch,
Step 2: Define
Step 2: Define
Step 2: Define
Now after conducting the necessary research on how I can improve Netflix's social interaction and community engagement, it's important to trace this research back into who our design is intended for. By defining who our potential users are and what they look, we allow our work to keep a user centered approach.
Now after conducting the necessary research on how I can improve Netflix's social interaction and community engagement, it's important to trace this research back into who our design is intended for. By defining who our potential users are and what they look, we allow our work to keep a user centered approach.
Now after conducting the necessary research on how I can improve Netflix's social interaction and community engagement, it's important to trace this research back into who our design is intended for. By defining who our potential users are and what they look, we allow our work to keep a user centered approach.
User Persona
User Persona
User Persona
Visualizing our user persona allows me to keep the user in mind and empathize with them through every design decision.
Visualizing our user persona allows me to keep the user in mind and empathize with them through every design decision.
Visualizing our user persona allows me to keep the user in mind and empathize with them through every design decision.
Step 3: Ideate
Step 3: Ideate
Step 3: Ideate
Now by using my research data and putting myself into the shoes of our user persona, it's time to map out how we want to incorporate these new features into Netflix's UI.
Now by using my research data and putting myself into the shoes of our user persona, it's time to map out how we want to incorporate these new features into Netflix's UI.
Now by using my research data and putting myself into the shoes of our user persona, it's time to map out how we want to incorporate these new features into Netflix's UI.
Visualizing the Solution
Visualizing the Solution
Visualizing the Solution
Storyboards were created to empathize with the user's point of view and help recognize the potential influence our solution has on their life.
Storyboards were created to empathize with the user's point of view and help recognize the potential influence our solution has on their life.
Storyboards were created to empathize with the user's point of view and help recognize the potential influence our solution has on their life.
User Flow
User Flow
User Flow
Implementing our new flows smoothly into Netflix's already existing site map is a crucial step in our design, and will be the main aspect in our user testing later on.
These flows were based on real life features our user's said they would appreciate being incorporated into the site for better community engagement.
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Implementing our new flows smoothly into Netflix's already existing site map is a crucial step in our design, and will be the main aspect in our user testing later on.
These flows were based on real life features our user's said they would appreciate being incorporated into the site for better community engagement.
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Implementing our new flows smoothly into Netflix's already existing site map is a crucial step in our design, and will be the main aspect in our user testing later on.
These flows were based on real life features our user's said they would appreciate being incorporated into the site for better community engagement.
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Step 4: Design
Step 4: Design
Step 4: Design
Now that I have a clearer idea of the user flows I want to build, it's time to search for design inspiration. We want to identify ways we can smoothly implement these features onto Netflix' platform while following their already existing branding system.
Now that I have a clearer idea of the user flows I want to build, it's time to search for design inspiration. We want to identify ways we can smoothly implement these features onto Netflix' platform while following their already existing branding system.
Now that I have a clearer idea of the user flows I want to build, it's time to search for design inspiration. We want to identify ways we can smoothly implement these features onto Netflix' platform while following their already existing branding system.
Design Pattern Research
Design Pattern Research
Design Pattern Research
My goal with this research is to deduce how these type of features are already successfully existing within competitor platforms. What are these competitors doing successfully and how might we iterate these patterns to make them cohesively unique to Netflix.
Therefore design patterns relating to our task flows were explored to help us grasp the different ways we can go about implementing these new features.
My goal with this research is to deduce how these type of features are already successfully existing within competitor platforms. What are these competitors doing successfully and how might we iterate these patterns to make them cohesively unique to Netflix.
Therefore design patterns relating to our task flows were explored to help us grasp the different ways we can go about implementing these new features.
My goal with this research is to deduce how these type of features are already successfully existing within competitor platforms. What are these competitors doing successfully and how might we iterate these patterns to make them cohesively unique to Netflix.
Therefore design patterns relating to our task flows were explored to help us grasp the different ways we can go about implementing these new features.
Reviews/comments: Crunchyroll
Reviews/comments: Crunchyroll
Reviews/comments: Crunchyroll
Comments are not fully revealed for neat UI unless clicked on.
Comments are not fully revealed for neat UI unless clicked on.
Comments are not fully revealed for neat UI unless clicked on.
Key components such as rating, amount of reviews, and the ability to filter comments is present
Key components such as rating, amount of reviews, and the ability to filter comments is present
Key components such as rating, amount of reviews, and the ability to filter comments is present
Comment rating allows user's to see how other found this comment - useful or not.
Comment rating allows user's to see how other found this comment - useful or not.
Comment rating allows user's to see how other found this comment - useful or not.
Watchlists: Plex
Watchlists: Plex
Watchlists: Plex
Most Watchlisted this week - is a good way of indicating to users what shows they'd like to see as others are enjoying them as well.
Most Watchlisted this week - is a good way of indicating to users what shows they'd like to see as others are enjoying them as well.
Most Watchlisted this week - is a good way of indicating to users what shows they'd like to see as others are enjoying them as well.
Potentially filtering watchlisted lists into categories can improve sorting.
Potentially filtering watchlisted lists into categories can improve sorting.
Potentially filtering watchlisted lists into categories can improve sorting.
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes
The next step after our design pattern research was to map out how the UI would potentially look in our product.
The next step after our design pattern research was to map out how the UI would potentially look in our product.
The next step after our design pattern research was to map out how the UI would potentially look in our product.
Once the sketches did well at representing the potential layout of our product, I moved onto mid fidelity wireframes.
Once the sketches did well at representing the potential layout of our product, I moved onto mid fidelity wireframes.
Once the sketches did well at representing the potential layout of our product, I moved onto mid fidelity wireframes.
High Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
Incorporating everything we've learned, I'm now able to develop our high-fidelity wireframes which allow us to not only visualize our product, but eventually test it's functionality. We want to make sure that our incorporated flows makes sense to the users, and will not disrupt their positive experience with Netflix as a platform.
Task Flows:
Incorporating everything we've learned, I'm now able to develop our high-fidelity wireframes which allow us to not only visualize our product, but eventually test it's functionality. We want to make sure that our incorporated flows makes sense to the users, and will not disrupt their positive experience with Netflix as a platform.
Task Flows:
Incorporating everything we've learned, I'm now able to develop our high-fidelity wireframes which allow us to not only visualize our product, but eventually test it's functionality. We want to make sure that our incorporated flows makes sense to the users, and will not disrupt their positive experience with Netflix as a platform.
Task Flows:
Incorporating everything we've learned, I'm now able to develop our high-fidelity wireframes which allow us to not only visualize our product, but eventually test it's functionality. We want to make sure that our incorporated flows makes sense to the users, and will not disrupt their positive experience with Netflix as a platform.
Task Flows:
Rate/review a show and then explore other's reviews
Rate/review a show and then explore other's reviews
Rate/review a show and then explore other's reviews
Browse the new Netflix Discovery Page and choose a show
Browse the new Netflix Discovery Page and choose a show
Browse the new Netflix Discovery Page and choose a show
Updates to Netflix's UI
Updates to Netflix's UI
Updates to Netflix's UI
Home page/Game display
Home page/Game display
Home page/Game display
In order to update Netflix's UI and accommodate the new review feature without disrupting the already existing user flows a variety of subtle changes were implemented:
Instead of showcasing the match percentage of a show, a viewer watch listed count was added instead to show how many actual viewers were interested, are watching, or have watched the show by adding it to their watchlist. This gives viewers an idea of how many other people engaged with the show and could potentially motivate them to do so as well.
The rate button which was in terms of thumbs up or thumbs down was changed to a star rating/review button where users could give more in depth opinions about the content.
In the tab selection displayed within a show/movie page, a reviews tab was added so that viewers can access the reviews of other and sort these reviews to their wish. This allows users to distinguish through the experience of other viewers just like themselves if the content is something they'd also enjoy or dislike.
In order to update Netflix's UI and accommodate the new review feature without disrupting the already existing user flows a variety of subtle changes were implemented:
Instead of showcasing the match percentage of a show, a viewer watch listed count was added instead to show how many actual viewers were interested, are watching, or have watched the show by adding it to their watchlist. This gives viewers an idea of how many other people engaged with the show and could potentially motivate them to do so as well.
The rate button which was in terms of thumbs up or thumbs down was changed to a star rating/review button where users could give more in depth opinions about the content.
In the tab selection displayed within a show/movie page, a reviews tab was added so that viewers can access the reviews of other and sort these reviews to their wish. This allows users to distinguish through the experience of other viewers just like themselves if the content is something they'd also enjoy or dislike.
In order to update Netflix's UI and accommodate the new review feature without disrupting the already existing user flows a variety of subtle changes were implemented:
Instead of showcasing the match percentage of a show, a viewer watch listed count was added instead to show how many actual viewers were interested, are watching, or have watched the show by adding it to their watchlist. This gives viewers an idea of how many other people engaged with the show and could potentially motivate them to do so as well.
The rate button which was in terms of thumbs up or thumbs down was changed to a star rating/review button where users could give more in depth opinions about the content.
In the tab selection displayed within a show/movie page, a reviews tab was added so that viewers can access the reviews of other and sort these reviews to their wish. This allows users to distinguish through the experience of other viewers just like themselves if the content is something they'd also enjoy or dislike.
Home page/Game display
Home page/Game display
Home page/Game display
A similar process was conducted with adding the UI necessary for the new watchlist page.
My goal with the watchlist page was to ensure that the information displayed was informative enough in helping users explore different types of genres and new shows in a way that mimics the credibility or motivation that comes with finding new shows with friends or family in real life. Especially in the case of solo viewers.
To do this I implemented these features:
Instead of scrolling down the "My Netflix" page to access the user's "My Lists" this was reintroduced at the top of the page for easier access and encouragement of use. By matching the existing user flow that user's are familiar with and changing the hierarchy of the UI - the goal is for users to seamless use the new feature.
A discovery watchlist tab was added where users can access within their list new shows that have made it to other user's watchlist. Here users were able to in more detail compared to Netflix's general top 10 list, locate the trendiest/most viewed content within varying content type. genre, and release.
A similar process was conducted with adding the UI necessary for the new watchlist page.
My goal with the watchlist page was to ensure that the information displayed was informative enough in helping users explore different types of genres and new shows in a way that mimics the credibility or motivation that comes with finding new shows with friends or family in real life. Especially in the case of solo viewers.
To do this I implemented these features:
Instead of scrolling down the "My Netflix" page to access the user's "My Lists" this was reintroduced at the top of the page for easier access and encouragement of use. By matching the existing user flow that user's are familiar with and changing the hierarchy of the UI - the goal is for users to seamless use the new feature.
A discovery watchlist tab was added where users can access within their list new shows that have made it to other user's watchlist. Here users were able to in more detail compared to Netflix's general top 10 list, locate the trendiest/most viewed content within varying content type. genre, and release.
A similar process was conducted with adding the UI necessary for the new watchlist page.
My goal with the watchlist page was to ensure that the information displayed was informative enough in helping users explore different types of genres and new shows in a way that mimics the credibility or motivation that comes with finding new shows with friends or family in real life. Especially in the case of solo viewers.
To do this I implemented these features:
Instead of scrolling down the "My Netflix" page to access the user's "My Lists" this was reintroduced at the top of the page for easier access and encouragement of use. By matching the existing user flow that user's are familiar with and changing the hierarchy of the UI - the goal is for users to seamless use the new feature.
A discovery watchlist tab was added where users can access within their list new shows that have made it to other user's watchlist. Here users were able to in more detail compared to Netflix's general top 10 list, locate the trendiest/most viewed content within varying content type. genre, and release.
Step 5: Test & Iterate
Step 5: Test & Iterate
Step 5: Test & Iterate
After designing the first version of high fidelity screens, we are going to examine the screens and their functionality by using a prototype and moderated "click-through" testing. Our goal is to identify if there are any usability issues or pain points are users face, and reiterate our screens based on our findings.
After designing the first version of high fidelity screens, we are going to examine the screens and their functionality by using a prototype and moderated "click-through" testing. Our goal is to identify if there are any usability issues or pain points are users face, and reiterate our screens based on our findings.
After designing the first version of high fidelity screens, we are going to examine the screens and their functionality by using a prototype and moderated "click-through" testing. Our goal is to identify if there are any usability issues or pain points are users face, and reiterate our screens based on our findings.
Prototyping in Figma
Prototyping in Figma
Prototyping in Figma
I set up my screens to be tested based on the task flows we created. Usability testing was conducted with 5 participants that match our persona.
I set up my screens to be tested based on the task flows we created. Usability testing was conducted with 5 participants that match our persona.
I set up my screens to be tested based on the task flows we created. Usability testing was conducted with 5 participants that match our persona.
Tasks being tested:
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Tasks being tested:
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Tasks being tested:
Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Synthesizing Our Test Results
Synthesizing Our Test Results
Synthesizing Our Test Results
Task 1: Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Task 1: Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Task 1: Adding a review to a show and then browsing other's reviews to see their thoughts.
Success Metric
Success Metric
Success Metric
Success Metric
Testing Results
Testing Results
Testing Results
Testing Results
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
Under 2-3 minute for 5/5 users
Under 2-3 minute for 5/5 users
Under 2-3 minute for 5/5 users
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
0# of errors displayed by 5/5 users
0# of errors displayed by 5/5 users
0# of errors displayed by 5/5 users
User's positive experience with the design.
User's positive experience with the design.
User's positive experience with the design.
5/5 showed positive reactions, but some users expressed their want for the overall star rating to be displayed next to the watchlist count in the title card.
5/5 showed positive reactions, but some users expressed their want for the overall star rating to be displayed next to the watchlist count in the title card.
5/5 showed positive reactions but some users expressed their want for the overall star rating to be displayed next to the watchlist count in the title card.
5/5 showed positive reactions, but some users expressed their want for the overall star rating to be displayed next to the watchlist count in the title card.
Task 1: Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Task 1: Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Task 1: Browse the New Discovery Watchlists page where you can see which shows user's added the most to their watchlists as a means for finding new content to watch.
Success Metric
Success Metric
Success Metric
Success Metric
Testing Results
Testing Results
Testing Results
Testing Results
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
Goal Met?
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
User's ability to complete task in a short amount of time.
Under 2 minutes for 5/5 users
Under 2 minutes for 5/5 users
Under 2 minutes for 5/5 users
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
Little to no error or tension while attempting to complete task.
5/5 users were able to navigate the discovery watchlist with ease and found the flow familiar.
5/5 users were able to navigate the discovery watchlist with ease and found the flow familiar.
5/5 users were able to navigate the discovery watchlist with ease and found the flow familiar.
User's positive experience with the design.
User's positive experience with the design.
User's positive experience with the design.
5/5 users said they appreciate the ability to discover shows in this new way but 2/5 wished the filters were more detailed - like alphabetical or easy to sort within the categories.
5/5 users said they appreciate the ability to discover shows in this new way but 2/5 wished the filters were more detailed - like alphabetical or easy to sort within the categories.
5/5 users said they appreciate the ability to discover shows in this new way but 2/5 wished the filters were more detailed - like alphabetical or easy to sort within the categories.
Key Iterations
Key Iterations
Key Iterations
Key Iterations
Overall star ratings to be incorporated with the title cards.
2/5 users expressed that the star rating be added within first glance of the content page as it provides more information that users can take advantage of to sort content.
Overall star ratings to be incorporated with the title cards.
2/5 users expressed that the star rating be added within first glance of the content page as it provides more information that users can take advantage of to sort content.
Overall star ratings to be incorporated with the title cards.
2/5 users expressed that the star rating be added within first glance of the content page as it provides more information that users can take advantage of to sort content.
2/5 users wanted the filtered content within the categories of the watchlists to be sorted better or easier to explore. Therefore the sub-categories within the categories were rearranged alphabetically instead of randomly like they initially were.
This was to simplify the process and make it possible all the sub-categories to be explored as the user scrolls.
2/5 users wanted the filtered content within the categories of the watchlists to be sorted better or easier to explore. Therefore the sub-categories within the categories were rearranged alphabetically instead of randomly like they initially were.
This was to simplify the process and make it possible all the sub-categories to be explored as the user scrolls.
2/5 users wanted the filtered content within the categories of the watchlists to be sorted better or easier to explore. Therefore the sub-categories within the categories were rearranged alphabetically instead of randomly like they initially were.
This was to simplify the process and make it possible all the sub-categories to be explored as the user scrolls.
Step 4: Results and Next Steps
Step 4: Results and Next Steps
Step 4: Results and Next Steps
The user interviews and usability testing validated the issue of Netflix's lack and need for more community engagement. Many of our user's showcased an appreciation for interactivity which resulted in exposure to new and unexplored content. Our attempt at solving the issue provided positive results but there are still potentially many other ways we can explore improving not only this aspect of the service but others as well.
The user interviews and usability testing validated the issue of Netflix's lack and need for more community engagement. Many of our user's showcased an appreciation for interactivity which resulted in exposure to new and unexplored content. Our attempt at solving the issue provided positive results but there are still potentially many other ways we can explore improving not only this aspect of the service but others as well.
The user interviews and usability testing validated the issue of Netflix's lack and need for more community engagement. Many of our user's showcased an appreciation for interactivity which resulted in exposure to new and unexplored content. Our attempt at solving the issue provided positive results but there are still potentially many other ways we can explore improving not only this aspect of the service but others as well.
The user interviews and usability testing validated the issue of Netflix's lack and need for more community engagement. Many of our user's showcased an appreciation for interactivity which resulted in exposure to new and unexplored content. Our attempt at solving the issue provided positive results but there are still potentially many other ways we can explore improving not only this aspect of the service but others as well.
Further exploration
Further exploration
Further exploration
We managed to figure out one way user's would like to engage with each other on Netflix and contribute to the platform themselves
but it could be advantageous discovering more ways we can expand upon the features we just implemented.
Some potential things to conduct more research and testing on are:
How can we make the watchlist even more helpful to users. Should there be a way for users to get more personalized watchlists from family within the subscription service or friends/influencers they are interested in. Is it important for user's to know what their social circle is watching?
Is it important that the watchlist is in the my lists section, or should it be more prominent within Netflix's user interface as it directly assist with the process of finding new content - which is pretty important from a user as well as business standpoint.
We managed to figure out one way user's would like to engage with each other on Netflix and contribute to the platform themselves
but it could be advantageous discovering more ways we can expand upon the features we just implemented.
Some potential things to conduct more research and testing on are:
How can we make the watchlist even more helpful to users. Should there be a way for users to get more personalized watchlists from family within the subscription service or friends/influencers they are interested in. Is it important for user's to know what their social circle is watching?
Is it important that the watchlist is in the my lists section, or should it be more prominent within Netflix's user interface as it directly assist with the process of finding new content - which is pretty important from a user as well as business standpoint.
We managed to figure out one way user's would like to engage with each other on Netflix and contribute to the platform themselves
but it could be advantageous discovering more ways we can expand upon the features we just implemented.
Some potential things to conduct more research and testing on are:
How can we make the watchlist even more helpful to users. Should there be a way for users to get more personalized watchlists from family within the subscription service or friends/influencers they are interested in. Is it important for user's to know what their social circle is watching?
Is it important that the watchlist is in the my lists section, or should it be more prominent within Netflix's user interface as it directly assist with the process of finding new content - which is pretty important from a user as well as business standpoint.
We managed to figure out one way user's would like to engage with each other on Netflix and contribute to the platform themselves
but it could be advantageous discovering more ways we can expand upon the features we just implemented.
Some potential things to conduct more research and testing on are:
How can we make the watchlist even more helpful to users. Should there be a way for users to get more personalized watchlists from family within the subscription service or friends/influencers they are interested in. Is it important for user's to know what their social circle is watching?
Is it important that the watchlist is in the my lists section, or should it be more prominent within Netflix's user interface as it directly assist with the process of finding new content - which is pretty important from a user as well as business standpoint.
Explore my Other Projects:
Explore my Other Projects:
Game Learning made simpler, friendlier, and more efficient
Game Learning made simpler, friendlier, and more efficient
Game Learning made simpler, friendlier, and more efficient modernized and redesigned for this generations indie gamers. modernized and redesigned for this generations indie gamers. modernized and redesigned for this generations indie gamers.